Version 2 of Powershell includes the capability of loading up a .dll with compiled cmdlets as a module.
In order to install PowerSSAS as a module you need to have the following pre-requisites:
- AMO (Analysis Management Objects) - this can be downloaded from Microsoft
- PowerShell v2
In order to install PowerSSAS as a module you need to do the following
- create a “PowerSSAS” folder in one of your modules folders (which default to the following locations
- current user: _
_\WindowsPowerShell\modules - everyone: c:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules
- current user: _
- download one of the module .zip files
- unzip the module into this new folder you just created
- type the following from a PowerShell session to include PowerSSAS in your current runspace
import-module powerSSAS